Twice this week I’ve come across maps having to do with football.  This just goes to show GIS has no limits. 

I love discovering “hidden uses” for GIS.  I mean, who DOESN’T want to know the spatial distribution of fantasy football players across the country? Luckily for you, ESRI’s Catherine Spisszak has the answser.  You can check out her post to the ESRI Business Analyst Blog here.

And, I’m sure any football lover who can’t afford to fork over the ridiculous fee of $500 plus your first born child to get the NFL Package on DirectTV will be glad to know that the NFL TV Distribution Maps are yet again being updated this year.  How awesome is it that I can watch my team, at home, in my pajamas, two weeks in a row?  Let’s hope T.O. gets the chance to do something great this week.  Go Bills!