This blog is about having a professional career in GIS.   It is more business-based.  You won’t find me dissecting lines and lines of code on this blog.  You will find me talking about planning and maintaining a GIS, and general career advice.

I am a state employee for the State of Florida.  I have six years of professional experience working with GIS.  My undergraduate degree was in business however, and despite my nerdy technical skills, I am a business-woman.

With social media having a great impact on the way the world communicates, I figured its time to get plugged into the GIS industry with a different medium.  Since GIS is a relatively “new” technology, its important that information about it continues to trend with the ways of Web 2.0.

So, that is why I am here.  Hi, I’m Jessica.  Nice to meet you.

You can thank my friend Emily, for the creative blog title.